For less than a cup of coffee a day, you can

save lives

by feeding a family
​of 4 for a year

On those nice warm days they can enjoy the sunshine or cool shade on the front porch.  From the viewing room you will enter an organized tack rom close to the staging area, with everything you need to ride your special horse. 

There’s a special place southeast of Ellensburg in the Badger Pocket that makes children, adolescents and adults smile....

Our 72' X 170' outdoor arena is enclosed with sturdy panels, filled with sand for solid footing, a mounting ramp and an offside ramp. We have a rope barrier that separates the mounting area from the rest of the arena used for conducting our lessons on favorable weather days. Surrounding the arena is a hay field, horse pasture, our indoor arena and beautiful view of the valley. 

Our Surehands lift system is state of the art, moving our riders smoothly and efficiently on and off their horse.  The lift helps improve the safety of mounting and dismounting our riders. It has allowed us to expand our ridership, providing lessons to riders with mobility issues who without a lift may not have been able to experience equine therapy. 

We are proud to be the first Therapeutic Riding Center in Washington State to have a lift system in place. Let us know if you have any questions regarding our lift system and how it works. 

It started with one horse and one rider in an outdoor arena...

For the first two years Spirit TRC lessons were held outdoors.  In the second year there was 30 days of continues 20 mph winds causing extended lesson cancelations.  This is when Spirits founder, Evelyn, realized an indoor facility was needed. Using her own funds, the beautiful indoor facility was constructed and opened in 2009.  Spirits programs can now be held wind or shine!

Our 70' X 140' fully enclosed arena is filled with sand for solid footing, a staging area to groom and tack horses, a mounting ramp, an offside ramp, a Surehands lift system and a beautiful continuation of the interior wall as a barrier. This arena has made those windy days much more enjoyable and enables us to provide consistent lessons for our riders throughout each season. A warm and cozy viewing room provides a place for family and friends of our riders and volunteers to watch their someone special ride or to just relax.

The Lift

Outdoor Arena

Indoor Arena

Our Facility